Doug on stage at Liquid Laughs
Boise is a great town. Super sporty, I felt sportier and more for fit, just by driving in the town. Everyone was wearing fitness or hiking gear, and looked in shape and happy, like their endorphins were in a constant state of work-out related release I pondered this as I are my Carl's Junior bacon cheeseburger.
We couchsurfed using, for the second time in Boise. Last winter we couch surfed and our host brought his girlfriend and another couchsurfing couple to our show, that couple hosted us last night. Hahn's gave us a tour of his lovely house and then took us to the river. We didn't have enough time to float the river before the show (but I highly recommend it!!). We did stick our feet in the ice cold run off water, which felt AMAZING in the 100 degree temps, especially after the 8 hour drive. We then crashed for a bit and went to the show.
First off, Liquid Laughs is one of our very favorite comedy clubs. The room is awesome, the comics and staff are hilarious, super kind and generous. So we were stoked to be back. Our host/feature: Emmanual Vera 4 was even MORE funny than last winter, he looks/sounds like Jason Schwartzman but with a deeper movie announcer voice. He has a great comiedic voice, with great, raw and funny stories, amazing act outs and smart punchlines. A pleasure to watch.
I, like normal, blew the light for my solo set. I thought I ended early but did an extra 10 min. Oopsie Poopsie ;-)
We both had super fun sets, and went a little dirty on our solo stuff, well I did anyway. Cause I'm crazy like that.
The coolest part of all, after the show we had one couple from Kentucky that is planning on going to our Kentucky show and a gentleman from the DC area, that wants to see our show there.
After the show, we got dinner from Solid, their restaurant. We had planned on sticking around for their open mic, but started to crash from the long drive...
My step-son, Doug's son left Oregon yesterday and met us in Idaho late last night and is now caravaning behind us to Salt Lake City. We're getting there just in time for the show tonight at Midvale Main St. Theatre.